From hormones and puberty to surviving high school, teenage years can be hard for everyone. While mood swings and the occasional fight with your teen can often be attributed to these general growing pains, there are some cases where there may be more at play than the typical teen experience. But is therapy right for your teen? Read on as we discuss some of the benefits of talking to a professional for your teen.

Mood Swings

Has your teen become more irritable or quicker to anger in a way that is impacting their life or are they experiencing ongoing, uncontrollable worry? Almost every teen parent has experienced teenage mood swings, but when those swings are happening in excess, it may be time to seek help.

Sleeping Habits

Have you seen a shift in your teen’s sleeping habits? From insomnia or oversleeping to a constant state of fatigue, this can be an indication of depression, anxiety, or even ADHD.

Struggling in School

High school and middle school can be challenging for everyone, but if you’re seeing a sudden change in your teen’s school performance or if they’re under significantly more stress than usual, there could be mental health issues at play.

Self-Destructive Behavior

From cutting or drinking alcohol, to not eating enough, self-harm is one of the strongest indicators that your teen may need help.

What to Do Next?

If your teen is experiencing any of these symptoms, talk with them. If they don’t seem like they’re able to manage the feelings on their own, that’s okay. Know that these things may not get better on their own, but there is help available. Ask your teen if they think talking to someone will help—even knowing that therapy is an option can make a world of difference.

If your teen needs someone to talk to, The Calli Institute is here to help. Contact us to speak with a licensed professional or to schedule an appointment.

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