Questions About Family/Couples Therapy
How long are therapy sessions?
Individual therapy sessions are usually 45 – 50 minutes. Since therapy is not “one size fits all,” how often you meet depends on your identified needs and personal goals. Some clients meet weekly, biweekly, or once a month. The frequency of your visits will be mutually agreed upon between you and your therapist. The length of therapy is also unique to each individual. Some clients come for several sessions over a period of weeks or months. Others attend therapy for much longer.
How do I know if I need counseling services?
The decision to seek therapy is often prompted by a perceived sense of crisis or upon the recommendation of a loved one, another health care professional, employer, teacher, school counselor, or someone else who cares about your well-being. People choose therapy to deal with a variety of life events, problems in relationships, or symptoms associated with specific mental health disorders. When our stress or symptoms interfere with our ability to function in our normal daily routines, it is time to seek help. Most people come to therapy feeling nervous about what to expect or fearful that they won’t have anything to talk about.
How soon can I start?
We are generally able to offer initial therapy appointments within 1-2 weeks. First-time psychiatric clinic appointments are generally available within 3-4 weeks.
What does being in therapy or taking medications say about me?
Pursuing mental health services means that you, or someone who cares about you, has recognized that there is a problem you need help figuring out. Sometimes problems get bigger than what we can handle on our own or with our friends and family. Getting support and guidance from a mental health professional can help us look at things in a new way. Being in therapy means that you have the courage to do something different! For some people, medications may be indicated to help our bodies function better so that the other things we need to do to care for ourselves is possible.
How long does it take to start feeling better?
This is unique to each individual. Some people report feeling a sense of relief the very first time they meet with a mental health professional. In some cases, people might actually feel worse before they get better. Therapy is not easy and sometimes the process can take months or even years. It all depends on your goals, your willingness and the effort you put toward growing your self.
We recognize that each client is unique. We honor this by taking the time to get to know you as a whole person.
Our team’s goal is to help you feel safe and comfortable, while partnering with you to develop a plan to achieve your goals. We know that change is hard, but even a small change in any aspect of your life can have a significant impact. Our providers will partner with you and help to guide you through your mental health journey.
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