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Category: Person-family centered care

Children and The Good Divorce


The Good Divorce. Is this some literary example of an oxymoron or a new way to think about a common dynamic in some relationships? It’s probably fair to say that couples don’t go into their marriage vows with some clause […]

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Purposeful Parenting

Calli Institute Blog-Mom exercising with baby in stroller

“Beware the Sleep Deprived Mom” A friend gave me a mug with this inscription on it after the birth of my first child. Foreshadowing?? Yes. The other day as I was feeling particularly ornery and not bringing my best self […]

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The Importance of Staying Connected

Staying Connected, Health and Wellness, Depression, The Calli Institute, MN

Growing up, my parents led very active social lives. They went out on weekends with their friends, got involved with charities, enrolled in continuing education classes and volunteered for causes they believed in. I have watched my parents’ generation age […]

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Remembering What Makes Us Calli

It is hard to believe that The Calli Institute has been open since 2010. When we opened Calli, most GPS systems took people to residential areas blocks away; the geography looking out from the office was our own version of […]

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