What thoughts or feelings come to mind when you hear the word “medication?” In terms of physical wellness, you may positively associate its usage with recovering from an illness, like the flu, or treating a temporary condition, such as an infection.

When we associate medication with our mental health and wellness,  these same positive associations don’t always carry over. For some individuals, the idea of starting medication therapy may cause them to feel ashamed , embarrassed or weak.

This begs a bigger question: why does medication therapy trigger such negative reactions from ourselves or from our loved ones?


Understanding the Benefits of Medication for Mental Health

When deemed appropriate by a psychiatrist or psychiatric practitioner, medications can be a powerful tool in the treatment of a mental health condition. As a group, these types of medications are known as psychotropics, and may include:

  • Antipsychotic medications: can reduce or relieve symptoms of psychosis, such as delusions and hallucinations, primarily in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
  • Mood stabilizers: are medications used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, where a person’s mood changes from a depressed feeling to a high “manic” or “hypomanic” feeling or vice versa. These medications can help reduce mood swings and prevent manic and depressive episodes.
  • Insomnia and Sleep Disorder Medications: are medicines that work on the central nervous system to relieve anxiety, aid sleep, or have a calming effect.
  • Psychostimulants or Stimulants: are medicines often prescribed for people with ADHD. These medications can help with focus, attention, and distractibility.

Though there are many different types of medications used to help treat a specific mental health illness, it’s important to recognize that psychotropics aren’t necessarily meant to act as a cure but as a tool to help improve your ability to function and succeed in obtaining a higher state of wellness. Substantial evidence and research shows that medication management has the greatest benefits when performed in tandem with individual, family, couples, or group therapy.


What are Medication Management Services?

At the Calli Institute, we offer medication management for a variety of mental health conditions. Medication management helps ensure that the type of medication you’re prescribed is providing optimal therapeutic benefits, as it involves the ongoing assessment of its effects on your mind, body, and health. An essential component of medication management at The Calli Institute is educating patients on the particular class of medications prescribed, dosage, why their prescriber recommends the medications, possible side effects, and the length of time they might need to remain on medication. The client is included in the conversation and makes the decision about medicine management.

To learn more about medication management services at Calli Institute, contact us today. We understand that the process of beginning medication therapy may seem overwhelming and you may have many questions about side effects, the longevity of your treatment, or whether your medications will affect your personality or your relationship with others. Visit our website to find the answers to many of these commonly asked questions or give us a call and we’ll assist you on scheduling an appointment so you can meet with our team of mental health professionals and find the best treatment plan for you!

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